
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Blockchain.com Partners With CoinTracker to Simplify Crypto Taxes For Both Wallet And Exchange Users

Thomas Sweeney

Apr 13, 20221 min read

We’re thrilled to share that we’ve partnered with Blockchain.com to make crypto tax reporting easier.

With over 120 trading pairs available in the US, low fees, and interest-earning options, Blockchain.com serves traders and investors of all skill levels with simplicity and ease. As of today, customers can sign up for CoinTracker’s crypto tax services with an exclusive offer for free tax reports for up to 500 transactions, and an additional 10% discount on CoinTracker’s premium tax packages.

Blockchain.com users can head over to the Tax Center to learn more and get started with CoinTracker. We’re excited to work together to build the most robust tax filing experience possible. To get signed up, just head to cointracker.io/blockchain.

How to add your Blockchain.com account(s):

  1. Log in to your Blockchain.com Wallet/Exchange account using your web browser.
  2. Go to Settings and select Tax Center.
  3. Under Export your transaction history, choose the appropriate tax year and then click Generate Export.
  4. Once ready, your report will appear in the Generated Exports section. Click Export to download the CSV file.
  5. Upload the file to CoinTracker.

If you have any questions or comments about crypto taxes, let us know on Twitter @CoinTracker.

CoinTracker integrates with 400+ cryptocurrency exchanges, 8,000+ blockchains, and makes crypto tax calculations and portfolio tracking simple. All you need to do is add your wallets and exchanges and CoinTracker generates your crypto tax calculations.

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