
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Connect your Coinbase account to CoinTracker

CoinTracker integrates directly with Coinbase to make tracking your balances, transactions and crypto taxes easy.

Connecting your Coinbase account to CoinTracker

  1. Click "Continue with Coinbase"
  2. This will redirect you to Coinbase to grant CoinTracker read-only access to your account. This does not give us access to move your funds.
If your account is closed you can use CSV to import Coinbase transactions
  1. Visit Coinbase Statements page
  2. Navigate to Generate custom statement
  3. Set Asset: All assets
  4. Set Transaction type: All Transactions
  5. Set Date: Your Desired Year
  6. Set Format: CSV
  7. Click Generate and upload CSV here

Important: Please only upload transaction reports. Do not upload gains/losses reports.


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