
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Connect your eToro account to CoinTracker

CoinTracker integrates directly with eToro to make tracking your balances, transactions and crypto taxes easy.

Importing your eToro transactions to CoinTracker

  1. Login to eToro and click here to download your account statement
  2. Import the downloaded account statement file here
Alternatively, you can manually upload data for a specific date range by following these steps
  1. Login to eToro and navigate to Account Settings page
  2. Select View next to Account Statement
  3. Select a date range
  4. RECOMMENDEDUse a custom date range if the preset options do not cover your desired date range
  5. Select Create
  6. Select the xls icon at the top-right of the page
  7. to download the account statement file
  8. Import the downloaded account statement file here


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