
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Connect your Ledger account to CoinTracker

CoinTracker integrates directly with Ledger to make tracking your balances, transactions and crypto taxes easy.

Connecting your Ledger account to CoinTracker

  1. Connect your Ledger device
  2. Login to Ledger Live desktop app
  3. Open the Ledger wallet for the coin of your choice
  4. Select the relevant account (left hand side)
  5. For Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and Zcash wallets
    1. Click the wrench icon (top right side)
    2. Click Advanced Logs
    3. Copy the HD wallet address prefixed with "xpub" between the quotes and paste it
  6. For all other coins
    1. View the list of transactions and addresses in the wallet
    2. Copy each address


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