
Are you confident in accurately reporting cryptocurrency earnings on your tax returns?

Connect your MetaMask account to CoinTracker

CoinTracker integrates directly with MetaMask to make tracking your balances, transactions and crypto taxes easy.

Connecting your MetaMask account to CoinTracker

For multiple addresses:

In the MetaMask dapp tokens page, under the "Partnered tax providers" heading select CoinTracker. The text area above will be filled-in with each of your addresses.

Alternatively, to manually add multiple addresses:

  • Prefix each address with "ETH:", and separate with a comma and a space, like:
  • ETH:0xAbC..., ETH:0xDeF...

Click "Add MetaMask" above.

Please note: You may not see a success notification, but your wallets will have been added.


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Get peace of mind at tax time